Zenadth Kes Fisheries Limited

Our Products

The purest, tasiest tropical seafood in the world.

Photo source: Tony Gordon, Tropical Rock Lobster

Torres Strait’s wild fishery products are underpinned by robust food safety, quality and traceability systems, meeting customer expectations globally.

Seafood Tropical Rock Lobster

Tropical Rock Lobster

Panulirus ornatus

Photo source: Tony Gordon, Tropical Rock Lobster 

The most valuable and sought after lobster from the Torres Strait fisheries. Known locally as Kaiar, it is a treasure of the sea, highly prized by the most selective of culinary experts.

Torres Strait’s Tropical Rock Lobsters are wild-caught using passed down traditions from the local turquoise waters.

Tropical Rock Lobster is available in both live and frozen tails.

Coral Trout is the most common fish caught around the tropical regions of the Torres Strait, it is known locally as Withi. It has firm, moist pearly white flesh and a delicate sweet flavour.

Coral Trout is available in fillets and whole.

Seafood Coral Trout

Coral Trout

Plectopomus spp

Photo source: Tony Gordon, Coral Trout

Seafood Sea cucumber

Sea Cucumber


Photo source: Tony Gordon, Sea Cucumber

One of Torres Strait’s main fisheries along with Tropical Rock Lobster. When sea cucumber is dried or salted, known as Beche De Mer, it becomes considered a delicacy. It is known locally as Aber.

Species: Prickly Redfish, While Teatfish as well as historically desirable species of Sandfish and Black Teatfish.

Sea cucumber is available blanched, gutted, salted or dried.