Beautiful seafood from the tropical waters of the Torres Strait Islands
Electric blue water, glistening pearls, and incredible islands have been our home for over 2,500 years. The waters of Zenadth Kes (the Torres Strait Islands) are the provider of the purest and tastiest tropical seafood.
Photo source: Tony Gordon, Tara Fisheries
We take pride in being a fully indigenous owned and independent commercial fishing company. With deep connections to our waters and traditional fishing techniques passed down from our families, we bring to you our finest wild-caught seafood.
We are sea-faring people
Torres Strait buai giz, pe gur le uridli. Torres Straitaw Lagaigal maluw mabaygals
Our Vision
Torres Strait on Every Plate
Photo source: Tony Gordon, Torres Strait Fisheries
Fishing skills are passed down through generations, we are guided by nature, the sea, the moon, Tagai (the stars), and the seasons.
Photo source: Tony Gordon, Torres Strait Fisheries
Our wild caught seafood
From the electric blue waters surrounding our islands
Being on, in, and around the ocean every day, our fishers have formed a deep connection to the sea. Seafood caught in the waters of Torres Strait isn't just any other seafood – it represents our identity and the history of our island. With our long-standing fishing traditions, we guarantee only fresh and authentic seafood.
True provenance
If you see the Zenadth Kes Wild Fishery provenance mark, you can guarantee that your seafood is caught from our waters.